Phoenix, Arizona Records and Averages

    Temperatures in Phoenix, Arizona range from very hot in summer to mild in winter. Many winter days exceed 70 degrees and typical high temperatures in the middle of the winter are in the 60s. The climate becomes less comfortable in the summer. The normal high temperature exceeds 90 degrees from early May through early October and over 100 degrees from early June through early September. Many days each summer will exceed 110 degrees in the afternoon and remain above 85 degrees at night. When temperatures are extremely high, the low humidity provides a small amount of comfort.

The climate of Phoenix is very dry. Annual precipitation is only 7.53 inches, and afternoon humidity ranges from 30 percent in winter to only 10 percent in June. The majority of rain occurs during two seasons. From Thanksgiving to early April there are periodic rains from Pacific storms. Moisture from the south and southeast result in a summer thunderstorm peak in July and August. Usually the break from extreme dryness in June to the onset of thunderstorms in early July is very abrupt. Fog is rare, occurring about once per winter and is unknown in the other seasons.

The Valley is characterized by light winds. High winds associated with thunderstorms occur periodically in the summer. These occasionally create dust storms which move large distances across the deserts. Strong thunderstorm winds can occur during any month of the year, but are rare outside the summer months. Persistent strong winds of 30 mph or more are rare with an average of two or three events in an average spring due to Pacific storms. Winter storms rarely bring high winds due to the relatively stable air in the valley during that season..

Temperature + Precipitation 

  Monthly Averages Daily Extremes Monthly Extremes  
 in F
Max. Min. Avg High Date of 
daily extreme
Low Date of
daily extreme
Year Lowest
January 66.1 41.6 53.8 88 19/1971 17 05/1950 62.0 2003 43.7 1949
February 70.0 44.5 57.3 92 27/1986 24 09/1946 66.0 1991 47.0 1939
March 75.9 49.1 62.5 100 26/1988 25 04/1966 72.3 2004 55.1 1935
April 84.4 55.8 70.1 105 20/1989 34 10/1935 80.0 1989 61.6 1941
May 93.7 64.2 78.9 113 26/1951 40 08/1965 87.0 1984 70.9 1953
June 103.0 72.8 87.9 122 26/1990 50 17/1944 94.6 2006 78.9 1965
July 105.7 80.5 93.1 121 28/1995 61 02/1941 98.3 2009 86.7 1955
August 103.5 79.2 91.3 117 10/1933 60 18/1938 96.2 2007 85.7 1956
September 99.1 72.9 86.0 118 01/1950 47 20/1965 92.2 2001 78.9 1941
October 88.2 60.8 74.5 107 01/1980 34 30/1971 82.7 2003 66.5 1941
November 75.3 48.4 61.9 96 03/2009 25 25/1938 70.0 2007 53.2 1938
December 66.5 41.7 54.1 88 10/1950 22 05/1948 61.3 1980 48.2 1967
Annual 85.9 59.3 72.6 122 1990/06/26 17 1950/01/05 76.9 1989 67.8 1964
Winter 67.6 42.6 55.1 92 1986/02/27 17 1950/01/05 60.6 1981 48.5 1949
Spring 84.7 56.3 70.5 113 1951/05/26 25 1966/03/04 77.7 1989 63.8 1965
Summer 104.0 77.5 90.8 122 1990/06/26 50 1944/06/17 94.9 2007 85.1 1941
Fall 87.5 60.7 74.1 118 1950/09/01 25 1938/11/25 80.0 2001 68.5 1941


    Total Snowfall
  Avg. High Year Low Year 1 Day Max. >=
0.01 in.
0.10 in.
0.50 in.
1.00 in.
Mean High Year
  in. in. - in. - in. dd/yyyy
# Days # Days # Days # Days in. in. -
January 0.80 5.22 1993 0.00 1970 1.33 21/2010 4 2 0 0 - - -
February 0.77 3.15 2003 0.00 1967 1.46 24/1987 4 2 0 0 0.0 0.6 1939
March 0.86 3.27 1941 0.00 1940 1.98 03/1983 4 2 1 0 - - -
April 0.29 2.10 1941 0.00 1950 0.92 11/1941 2 1 0 0 - - -
May 0.13 1.06 1976 0.00 1938 0.91 04/1976 1 0 0 0 - - -
June 0.09 1.70 1972 0.00 1939 1.37 22/1972 1 0 0 0 - - -
July 0.85 5.15 1984 0.00 1993 1.90 28/1984 4 2 0 0 - - -
August 1.02 5.56 1951 0.00 1973 2.99 03/1943 5 2 1 0 - - -
September 0.69 4.23 1939 0.00 1938 2.43 05/1970 3 1 0 0 - - -
October 0.57 4.40 1972 0.00 1934 2.32 14/1988 3 1 0 0 - - -
November 0.56 3.04 1952 0.00 1937 1.58 14/1993 2 1 0 0 - - -
December 0.90 3.98 1967 0.00 1933 1.49 30/1940 4 2 1 0 0.0 0.4 1990
Annual 7.53 15.37 1941 2.82 1956 2.99 1943/08/03 35 18 4 1 0.0 0.4 1990
Winter 2.47 10.02 1993 0.00 2006 1.49 1940/12/30 12 6 1 0 0.0 0.4 1991
Spring 1.28 6.18 1941 0.00 1972 1.98 1983/03/03 6 3 1 0 - - -
Summer 1.96 6.94 1955 0.26 1991 2.99 1943/08/03 9 5 1 0 - - -
Fall 1.82 5.69 1972 0.00 1938 2.43 1970/09/05 8 4 1 0 - - -
Arizona averages and extremes in precipitation and temperature and Top 10 U.S climate extremes.
Winter = Dec, Jan, and Feb Spring = Mar, Apr, and May
Summer = Jun, Jul, and Aug. Fall = Sep, Oct, and Nov
Data period is 1933 - 2010, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Source: Western Regional Climate Center