Louisiana Annual Temperatures and Records


Avg High Temp

Avg Low Temp 

Avg Annual Temp

Avg # days > 90F Avg # days < 32F  Record High Temp Record Low Temp
Baton Rouge 78.2 57.4 67.8 87 20 103 / 1954 8 / 1989
Lake Charles 78.4 58.5 68.4 89 12 106 / 1930 12 / 1948
New Orleans 77.8 59.4 68.6 72 12 102 / 1980 11/ 1989
Shreveport 76.4 55.3 65.8 92 31 109 / 1936 -2 / 1930
  • Louisiana annual average temperature - 66.39 degrees, 3rd warmest state in the U.S.
  • Record Hottest year in Louisiana - 1921 / Avg temperature 69.07 degrees
  • Record Coldest year in Louisiana - 1968 and 1983 / Avg temperature 64.53 degrees
  • Louisiana average Summer temperature (June, July, August) 81.1 F degrees,  warmest U.S. summer state (tied with Tx)
  • Louisiana average Winter temperature (December, January, February) 50.9 F degrees, 48th coldest U.S. winter state

Louisiana's Temperature Records

  • Hottest temperature ever recorded: 114 F, Plain Dealing, northwest Louisiana, 8/10/1936
  • Coldest temperature ever recorded: -16 F, Minden, northwest Louisiana, 2/13/1899
  • Hottest location ranked by highest average annual temperature: Grand Isle, southeast Louisiana, 70.6 F
  • Coldest location ranked by lowest average annual temperature: Plain Dealing, northwest Louisiana, 63.9 F


The average annual temperature in Louisiana ranges from 64 in the northern divisions to 69° F in southern divisions. The lowest January average is 45 in the northwest and north-central ranging upward to 53 in the southeast. The July average is 82 to 83° F statewide. As for the number of days with temperatures equal to or greater than 90° F: Shreveport and Alexandria average about 90 days, Lake Charles and New Orleans average 75 days.

The average number of days with temperatures of 32° F or colder decreases from 36 at Shreveport to less than 10 at New Orleans. Near the mouth of the Mississippi River a freeze can be expected only about once in seven years. Growing seasons are long, ranging from 220 days in the north to over 300 days in the southern portion of the State.



Louisiana precipitation averages and extremes, precipitation and temperature data for all U.S. states and Top 10 U.S. climate extremes
Data source: National Climatic Data Center