Annual Temperatures and Extremes
City |
Avg High Temp |
Avg Low Temp |
Avg Annual Temp |
Avg # days > 90F | Avg # days < 32F | Record High Temp | Record Low Temp |
Concord | 57.3 | 34.4 | 45.8 | 12 | 167 | 102 / 1966 | -37 / 1943 |
Mt Washington | 38.8 | 20.4 | 27.1 | 0 | 242 | 72 / 1975 | -47 / 1934 |
New Hampshire's Temperature Records
Hottest temperature ever recorded: 106 F, Nashua, southern New Hampshire, 7/4/1911 Coldest temperature ever recorded: -47 F, Mount Washington, north-central New Hampshire, 1/29/1934 Hottest location ranked by highest average annual temperature: Greenland, southeastern New Hampshire, 48.0 F Coldest location ranked by lowest average annual temperature: Mount Washington, north-central New Hampshire, 27.1 F The greatest heat wave to hit the northeastern United States occurred during July, 1911. Keene, New Hampshire endured
12 consecutive days with temperatures above 90 F from July 1 - 12, including five days over 100 F.
The annual temperature in New Hampshire averages 41 degrees Fahrenheit (° F) in the Northern Division and near 45 in the Southern. Within the Northern Division it ranges from about 37 in the extreme north to 42° F in the extreme south. Averages vary within the divisions from causes other than latitude. Elevation, slope and other environmental effects, including urbanization, each has an effect. An extreme effect of altitude is Mt. Washington, whose summit has an annual average of 27° F, compared to averages of 40 to 42 at other stations in the general area. Across the State, the highest temperatures can top 100° F while the lowest can drop lower than -45° F.
Summer temperatures are delightfully comfortable for the most part. They are reasonably uniform across New Hampshire, excepting topographical extremes. Hot days (90° F or higher) occur an average from only a few times per year in the extreme north to five to 15 per year across most of the rest of the State. The frequency varies from place to place and from year to year. They range, in frequency of occurrence, from only a few in a cool summer to as many as 30 to 40 in the Southern Division in the hottest summers. The diurnal range may reach 40 degrees or more during cool, dry weather in valleys and lowlands. Freezing temperatures may be a threat even in the warmer months in a few of the more susceptible areas.
Average temperatures vary from place to place more in the winter than in the summer. Days with subzero readings are relatively few along the immediate coast but are common inland. They range from 25 to 50 in number per year for most of the Northern Division and from 10 to 25 in the Southern Division.
Hampshire precipitation
averages and extremes, precipitation and temperature data for all U.S.
states and Top 10
U.S. climate extremes
Data source: National Climatic Data Center