Rainfall and Climate Data, see below for
Oklahoma city precipitation totals
City |
Avg Annual Precip |
Avg Annual Snow |
Avg # days of Precip |
Avg # thunderstorm days |
Avg # hail days | Avg # severe thunderstorm watches per year | Avg # tornado watches per year | # of tornadoes reported in county, 1960-2010 |
Oklahoma City | 35.85 | 9.6 | 83 | 50 | 4 | 10 | 16 | 88 |
Tulsa | 42.42 | 10.3 | 90 | 50 | 4 | 10 | 19 | 54 |
Oklahoma Precipitation Records
Driest location ranked by lowest annual average precipitation: Regnier, western Oklahoma, 15.62" Wettest location ranked by highest annual average precipitation: Smithville, southeastern Oklahoma, 55.71" Snowiest location ranked by highest annual average snowfall: Boise City, western Oklahoma, 31.6" State precipitation record for 24 hours - Enid, north-central Oklahoma, 10/10-11/1973, 15.68" State precipitation record for 1 year - Kiamichi Tower, southeastern Oklahoma, 1957, 84.47" State snowfall record for 24 hours - Buffalo, northwestern Oklahoma, 2/21/1971, 23.0" State snow record for 1 season - Beaver, northwestern Oklahoma, 1911-1912, 87.3" On 9/4/1940, Hallett, Oklahoma in the north-central part of the state received the 15th highest recorded
24-hour rainfall in U.S. history with a total of 24.00 inches. Based on cities with 100,000 or more in population, Oklahoma City is the most tornado-prone city in the U.S.
Tulsa is the second most tornado-prone city in the United States. During the month of May, an average of 20 tornadoes are sighted within the State On May 3, 1999, a powerful tornado struck Oklahoma City, destroying 1,000 homes and causing over $1 billion
in damages. A radar estimated wind speed of 318 mph was indicated and is the highest observation to date. On April 2, 1982 a violent tornado near Messer Oklahoma left only the carpet tack strips on the slab of a house it
destroyed, and carried a motel sign thirty miles. Oklahoma experiences the second highest total of tornadoes in the U.S. annually with an average of 8.2
tornadoes per 10,000 square miles.. Florida is ranked first, with an average of 9.4 tornadoes. Based on frequency and severity of hail, Tulsa, Oklahoma is the most hail-prone city in the U.S. 90% of Oklahoma receives more precipitation in May than during any other month Oklahoma temperature averages and extremes, precipitation and temperature data for all U.S. states and
interesting Top 10 U.S. climate extremesData sources: National Climatic Data Center, Severe thunderstorm / tornado watch data period is 1999 - 2008, NOAA Storm Prediction Center, Tornado climate data - NOAA Storm Prediction Center, State lightning flash density average - 1997-2011, Vaisala