New Jersey
Annual Temperatures and Extremes
City |
Avg High Temp |
Avg Low Temp |
Avg Annual Temp |
Avg # days > 90F | Avg # days < 32F | Record High Temp | Record Low Temp |
Atlantic City | 63.5 | 43.4 | 53.5 | 18 | 108 | 106 / 1969 | -11 / 1979 |
Newark | 63.1 | 46.4 | 54.8 | 25 | 85 | 105 / 1949 | -8 / 1985 |
New Jersey's Temperature Records
Hottest temperature ever recorded: 110 F, Runyon, central New Jersey, 7/10/1936 Coldest temperature ever recorded: -34 F, River Vale, northeastern New Jersey, 1/5/1904 Hottest location ranked by highest average annual temperature: Cape May, southern New Jersey, 55.3 F Coldest location ranked by lowest average annual temperature: Sussex, northern New Jersey, 48.6 F During the summer of 2010, Atlantic City set a new record for number of days with the temperature
equal or greater than 90 degrees with 46 days.
Differences between the northern and southern parts of New Jersey are greatest in the winter and least in summer. All stations except for the highest peaks in northwestern portion of the State have registered readings of 100° F or higher. All stations have records of 0 or lower.
Being in the northernmost portion of New Jersey, and with small mountains up to 1,800 feet in elevation, the Northern Zone normally exhibits a colder temperature regime than other climate regions of the State. This difference is most dramatic in winter when average temperatures in the Northern Zone can be more than 10 degrees cooler than in the Coastal Zone.
Average number of freeze-free days in the northern highlands is 163. The central and southern interior has 179 freeze-free days. Meanwhile, an average of 217 such days are found along the seacoast.
The Northern Climate Zone usually has the shortest growing season, about 155 days. The average date for the last killing spring frost is May 4. The first frost in fall is around October 7. The exact dates vary within the region as well as from year to year. Some valley locations have observed killing frost in mid-September and as late as mid-June.
Areas to the south of the Central Zone tend to have nearly twice as many days with temperatures above 90° F than the 15 to 20 commonly observed in central New Jersey.
Jersey precipitation
averages and extremes, precipitation and temperature data for all U.S.
states and Top 10
U.S. climate extremes
Data source: National Climatic Data Center