New Jersey
Annual Rainfall and Climate Data, see below for individual
New Jersey city precipitation totals
City | Avg Annual Precip | Avg Annual Snow | Avg # days of Precip |
Avg # thunderstorm days |
Avg # hail days | Avg # severe thunderstorm watches per year | Avg # tornado watches per year | # of tornadoes reported in county, 1960-2010 |
Atlantic City | 40.59 | 16.3 | 112 | 26 | 0 | 2 | 7 | 7 |
Newark | 46.25 | 28.7 | 122 | 44 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 2 |
New Jersey Precipitation Records
- Driest location ranked by lowest annual average precipitation: Atlantic City (Marina), southeastern New Jersey, 38.37"
- Wettest location ranked by highest annual average precipitation: Morris Plains, central New Jersey, 53.67"
- Snowiest location ranked by highest annual average snowfall: Sussex, northern New Jersey, 39.8"
- State precipitation record for 24 hours - Tuckerton, central New Jersey, 8/19/1939, 14.81"
- State precipitation record for 1 year - Paterson, northern New Jersey, 1882, 85.99"
- State snowfall record for 24 hours - White House, northwestern New Jersey, 3/6-7/1996, 35.0"
- State snow record for 1 season - High Point State Park, northern New Jersey, 1995-1996, 122.0"
- February 2010 was a remarkable month for snowfall in New Jersey. Most weather reporting stations experienced their heaviest monthly snowfall for any winter month in the past 130 years
- New Jersey temperature averages and extremes, precipitation and temperature data for all U.S. states and Top 10 U.S. climate extremes
Data sources: National Climatic Data Center, Severe thunderstorm / tornado watch data period is 1999 - 2008, NOAA Storm Prediction Center, Tornado climate data - NOAA Storm Prediction Center, State lightning flash density average - 1997-2011, Vaisala